Brasil Pack Trends 2020

BrasilPackTrends2020 103 convenience and simpl icity that the consumer fills out with a message and other information and sends as a present. And for kids, the WarHeads Double Drops bubble package (Figure 4.38), which comes in two flavors, the product may be consumed separately or mixed. On the subject of entertainment, the package can be used as a tool of many possibilities. It’s nothing new as it’s been a good while that this concept is used, like in cereal and jelly packages, and was aimed at the kids market. However, new technologies, including internet, cell phones, tablets and other devices, allow a higher level of interaction. It’s possible to create personalized labels on websites, like with Pringle’s chips or Jones Soda (Picture 4.39). PICTURE 4.35 Information in Braille Source: Press Release PICTURE 4.36 Examples of two-dimensional codes Source: Press Release PICTURE 4.37 Package to be mailed Source: Press Release PICTURE 4.38 Interactive package aimed at kids Source: Press Release PICTURE 4.39 Label personalized with the cover of this document Source: Press Release