Brasil Pack Trends 2020
BrasilPackTrends2020 179 sustainabi l ity & ethics Reverse Logistics: includes a set of actions that enable the collection and the restitution of the solid residues to the productive sector, to reuse, in its own cycle or other productive cycles. Recycling: Process of transforming solid residues with no alteration of their physical, physicochemical or biological properties, for subsequent use as inputs or new products. Shared Responsibility During the Life Cycle of Products: a set of individual attributions for manufacturers, importers, suppliers and traders, consumers and urban cleaning public service agents, to minimize the volumes and impacts of solid waste generation. From the National Policy of Solid Waste (T-II) In the second part, the principles from which the policy was established are clarified: the principles of prevention and precaution, polluter payer, protector- receiver and shared responsibility. For the protection of the public health and the environmental quality, the NPSW proposes an integrated management of different sectors, with a strong incentive to reduce waste at its source and to encourage recycling chains. The policy proposes the inclusion of street collectors of reusable and recyclable materials in the collecting chain of post-consumer materials. The National System of Information on Solid Waste Management (Sinir) and the National System of Information on Basic Sanitation (Sinisa) are important instruments for policy management. Policies applicable to Solid Waste (T-III) The NPSW suggests that the following priority order in solid waste management should be followed: non- generation, reduction, reuse, recycling, solid waste treatment and adequate environmental final waste disposal. The use of technologies for energy recovering from solid waste can be an option when associated with a program to monitor toxic gas emission approved by the environmental agency. The policy establishes that “Solid Waste Management Plans” have to be elaborated at national, state, micro- regional, metropolitan regions or urban agglomerations, intercity and municipal levels by all stakeholders involved. Any plan must have the following minimal requirements: • Initial diagnosis of the solid waste situation. • Targets for reduction, reuse, recycling, energy recovery, elimination and recuperation of landfills, with include those who gain a livelihood collection and separation waste. • Programs, projects and actions to achieve the predicted targets. • Standards and policies for the final disposal of refuse and residues. • Means to be used for control and supervision of the proposed programs. The elaboration of the plans is a condition for obtaining access to federal funding. Lead by the principle of shared responsibility, the NPSR states that: The packages material manufacturers, final packages, companies that condition their products in packages as well as importers and suppliers, have the responsibility to: • Place packages in the market which have optimized weight and volume for containing protection and product commercialization. • Place in the market products which, after use by the consumer are able to be reused, recycled or another form of adequate environmental disposal and which fabrication and use produce the as little amount of solid residues as possible. • Publish the information related to the ways of avoiding, recycling and eliminating the solid residues associated to their respective products.
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