Brasil Pack Trends 2020

BrasilPackTrends2020 209 Current consumers want to rely on a certain product brand and want to be sure and confident that they are getting a quality product and that the consumption of this product will not cause any health problems in the short or long term. Packaging is crucial to ensure the safety, quality and reliability of food products, while maintaining the desired shelf life, the correct transportation and sales, informing consumers about the safety and nutritional value of the product, the date of manufacture or expiration date, the location of the food manufacturer and instructions on how to prepare the food. In this context, the packaging cannot be a source of chemical, physical or microbiological contamination of the food. The chemical composition of the package is critical to consumers’ safety. The substances that are part of the packaging composition must have the toxicity and potential risk of migration into food studied so that the consumers’ exposure to such substances Marisa Padula Chapter 8 SAFETY & REGULATORY ISSUES Food safety is a topic that is of interest to all consumers, regardless of purchasing power. In a globalized world, where communication and media are privileged and information flows at great speed, the dissemination of news and information about food safety, whether correct or not, affects millions of consumers, making them more attentive, informed and demanding. PADULA, M. Segurança e assuntos regulatórios. In: BRASIL pack trends 2020. Campinas: ITAL, 2012. cap. 8, p. 205-225.