Brasil Pack Trends 2020
Future Considerations Onthe go , Time Sav i ng , L i f es t y l e , Packaging, Masstige, Lightweighting, Ecodesign... The globalized world is in profound transformation and originates consumer trends that will shape the future of companies. In order to take advantage of opportunities, to maintain market positions and, above all, to ensure the survival, innovation has become a vital strategy for consumer goods industries. As a result, the entire package production chain needs to meet the demand for new technologies, being capable to provide efficient processes and attractive products. Producing in a sustainable manner will be a requirement for markets and society. In this scenario, it is the task of all stakeholders in the sector to join efforts and skills to support industrial development by channel ing resources f rom funding agencies, improving the regulatory system, expanding the technological services of universities and research institutes, as well as installing a system of competitive intelligence capable to guide the choice of strategic areas for investment. This is how innovation happens in many countries, through collaborative networks. It is in this direction that we envision our future in 2020 and beyond. ITAL, with the support of APTA and the Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento (Secretariaty of Agriculture and Food Supply) of the State of São Paulo, aims to promote, continuously, the deepening of the study of trends initially contemplated in Brazil Pack Trends 2020. More than that, through CETEA, ITAL puts his team of researchers available to support the development of the information presented in thi s s tudy, in rea l poss ibi l i t i es of technological innovation. This will be an ongoing task of our Institute.
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