Brasil Pack Trends 2020
BrasilPackTrends2020 25 packaging market: world and Brazi l The market for aseptic carton packaging grew at an annual rate of 8.8% in value (US$), from 2007 to 2011 ( Table 1.40 ), with a growth forecast of 5.6% a year, between 2011 and 2015. The consumption per capita will continue growing, increasing from 1.6 kg, in 2011, to 2.1 kg per capita, in 2015 ( Table 1.41 ). Table 1.40 Size of Aseptic carton packaging market: Value (historical trends and projections) Type US$ million 2007 – 2011 CAGR 2011-2015* CAGR 2007 2011 2015 Liquid Packaging Board (LPB) 983 1,376 1,710 8.8% 5.6% Estimate* CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate Source: DATAMARK Table 1.41 Size of Aseptic carton packaging market: Consumption (historical trends and projections) Material kg/capita 2007 2011 2015* Liquid Packaging Board (LPB) 1.3 1.6 2.1 *Estimate Source: DATAMARK Beverages are responsible for consuming most of this type of packaging, as well as tomato products and preserved food. ( Chart 1.5 ). Chart 1.5 Principal 20 Brazilian markets for Aseptic carton packaging Principal 20 Brazilian markets for aseptic carton packaging Long life milk Juices and nectars Flavored milk Soy based juices Sterilized cream Dairy drink Coconut water Condensed milk Tomato purée Corn Mayonnaise Tomato sauce Tomato paste Peas RTD tea Fruit juice Fermented milk RTD fresh juice Ketchup Pasteurized cream 1.4 MAIN PACKAGING END USER INDUSTRIES IN BRAZIL The food industry earned R$ 316.5 billion in 2011, showing a 5.2% growth comparing to the last year ( Table 1.42 ). Since 2005, the sector grew at an average of 3.7% a year with the food service channel, registering a higher growth rate than the food retail in that period. Table 1.42 shows sales and international trade indicators of the Brazilian food sector in recent years. Table 1.43 shows the principal segments of the food industry, based on sales data for the period of 2008-2011. Aseptic carton packaging End user industry: food
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