Brasil Pack Trends 2020

BrasilPackTrends2020 28 packaging market: world and Brazi l Table 1.45 Historical trends and projections for food packaging consumption: Volume (units) Material Billion units 2007 Billion units 2011 Average growth 2007-2011 Billion units 2015* Average growth 2011-2015* Corrugated board 6.2 7.0 3.4% 8.6 5.2% Plastics 83.7 94.8 3.2% 107.3 3.1% Metals 8.3 8.0 -0.8% 9.7 5.0% Paper and board 14.0 16.5 4.2% 18.5 2.9% Glass 1.2 1.1 -1.4% 1.2 3.1% Flexibles 94.1 103.6 2.4% 115.9 2.9% TOTAL 207.4 230.9 2.7% 261.2 3.1% *Estimate Source: DATAMARK Table 1.46 Historical trends and projections for food packaging consumption: Volume (tonnes) Material Billion units 2007 Billion units 2011 Average growth 2007-2011 Billions units 2015* Average growth 2011-2015* Corrugated board 1,229.0 1,415.2 3.6% 1,666.2 4.2% Plastics 558.0 633.3 3.2% 769.5 5.0% Metals 432.8 390.9 -2.5% 478.9 5.2% Paper and board 312.0 359.8 3.6% 404.0 2.9% Glass 189.2 170.3 -2.6% 190.1 2.8% Flexibles 142.0 155.4 2.3% 179.8 3.7% TOTAL 2,863.0 3,124.9 2.2% 3,688.9 4.2% *Estimate Source: DATAMARK Beverage industry sales in Brazil reached R$ 151 billion in 2011, an advance of less than 0.9% in relation to the previous year, way below the growth registered in 2010 (6.1%). The low growth was due to the poor performance of the beer segment which retracted in 2011. One of the factors was an increase in PIS/ Cofins and IPI taxes, by about 15%, over beverages, that resulted in a price increase of 1.3%. The higher tax burden had an impact on the sector, especially on brands with lower market shares. However, some sectors maintained the good sales performance of previous years, such as tonic drinks, pulled up by energy drinks (33%) and isotonics (30%), and fruit juices (15%). Table 1.47 shows the main products in this segment, by sales, for the period of 2008-2011. User industry: beverages