Brasil Pack Trends 2020

BrasilPackTrends2020 43 Raul Amaral Rego Luis F. C. Madi Chapter 2 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE CONSUMER GOODS MARKET Consumer goods market trends are shaped by the continuing influence of demographic, economic, political and sociocultural factors, among others, that drive changes in the profile and behavior of the consumer. Thus, the study and analysis of these trends are important in order to identify opportunities for innovation in products, processes and packages. The configuration of factors that influence the consumer market, commonly known as drivers, is quite complex because it involves a large network of interdependent variables. This paper examines some of these factors, which are identified as its potential impact on the consumer packaged goods market (Frame 2.1). REGO, R. A.; MADI, L. F. C. Factors that influence the consumer goods market. In: BRASIL pack trends 2020. Campinas: ITAL, 2012. ch. 2, p. 41-65.