Brasil Pack Trends 2020

BrasilPackTrends2020 55 fatores que influenciam o mercado de bens de consumo A study of the Social Studies Center at FGV (NERI, 2012) highlights the increase trend of the relative participation of Class C (Brazil Criteria) in Brazilian society, from 37.6% in 2003 to a projected 60.2% in 2014, the increase trend of classes A and B participation, although at a slower rhythm, and a great reduction trend in the participation of classes D and E, from 54.8% in 2003 to a projected 25.0% in 2014 (Picture 2.4). The Brazilian consumer goods market should suffer continuing influence of changes in the relative participation of A, B, C, D and E social classes. These changes have given more evidence to three distinct segments, composed of people from the upper stratum of class A with a very high purchasing power (AAA segment), of the new middle class expanded and with a transformed profile due to the incorporation of emerging consumers from classes D and E, and of the lower income strata of the population who are still wholly or partly outside of the consumer market. Luxury Market Growth: Triple A segment Researchers from IBRE/FGV (CONSIDERA; PESSOA, 2012), while acknowledging the advances in the distribution of wages, partly due to the improvement in the education level and the real increase in the minimum wage, consider that, “keeping in mind that the functional distribution of income is essential to personal income distribution, it can be said that Brazil will PICTURE 2.4 Brazil, Social Classes Distribution, 2003, 2011 and 2014 (projection) Source: Social Policies Center, CPS, FGV (NERI, 2012) 2.3 INCOME AND CONSUMPTION