Brasil Pack Trends 2020

BrasilPackTrends2020 87 Traditionally, the development of packages had the primary functions of contention, protection and storage as its focus. This has resulted in products packaged with less than desired convenience and usefulness. It is only with the most recent developments that we see more attention being paid to these functions, now that producers and users are more aware of what consumers expect (DUIZER et al., 2009). The modern consumer looks for time-saving, tends to be more aware of features which bring practicality to their life, considering the most basic aspects such as ease of opening, the possibility to reseal and instructions on how to prepare or use the product. They are even aware of the more sophisticated features such as on-the-go consumption, indicators of freshness and interactive devices. Convenience is not just an indulgence, but provides waste reduction and, amongst other things, improves the lives of the elderly. The importance of convenience is indisputable and the challenge is to serve convenience while offering Tiago B. H. Dantas Fiorella B. H. Dantas Chapter 4 CONVENIENCE AND SIMPLICITY These days, packages are more and more versatile and functional for users and consumers. Packages can play a part in the promotion of the brand, sometimes becoming the brand itself, and can enter into the purchase decision process of consumers. In this way, convenience and simplicity of a package along with information it contains can be decisive in the choice of a product at the point of sale. DANTAS, T. B. H.; DANTAS, F. B. H. Conveniência e simplicidade. In: BRASIL pack trends 2020. Campinas: ITAL, 2012. cap. 4, p. 85-105.